It’s a VIBE.

Hey everyone,

It’s been a while. I had a long and busy summer, but the best time of the year is here -FALL- and I’m finally finding time to settle back into my favorite things. Cozy clothes and warm blankets. Early evenings and hot beverages. And more hours of darkness, which means more quiet time to read and write. So, here I am.

Before I nestle in for the winter, there is one more event planned. I’ve teamed up with an amazing woman (and local artist) to put together an Ecstatic Dance Party! As the date nears, I have been talking to a lot of people about it, and I realized that many are unfamiliar with the concept. There’s a decent description on wikipedia, ( but I am here to give you my interpretation.

Simply put -IT’S A VIBE-

A vibe (or a vibration) is something that carries it’s own unique energy, meant to be felt or experienced. After all, energy IS vibration. Everything that we have been able to scientifically witness, is vibrating on a molecular level, which is creating energy. The tiniest nanoparticles of an atom are constantly in motion, even if the massive object that they collectively make up seems to be at rest. Before I go too deep down this energetic rabbit hole (take yourself there if you have the time) lets get back to the dance party!

Music is also, you guessed it, VIBRATIONS!

So when we listen to music, I mean really listen… when we allow ourselves to FEEL the vibrations of the music, this can resonate through every cell, every atom, in our body. Again, it creates a specific energy. When a room full of people are allowing their body to really feel the music and move as it wants to, this creates a powerful raw energy. Allowing this release of the conscious mind, the mental control and emotional restraint, can allow a spontaneous release of emotion. Whatever has been waiting to escape.

It is free now. 



Ecstatic dance is the feeling of complete freedom in the body: pure ecstasy. However, you might need to move through some other emotions, to clear that old energy, before reaching the ecstatic state. Sometimes people try to control or repress their emotions. Anything painful or unpleasant gets shoved down and locked up before it can be felt or seen, because it is too much to deal with. Becoming trapped in the body. So, whatever you’ve been holding on to, this is your chance to set it free. And tap into a pure sense of joy. 


It’s Fall Y’all


Summer is coming!