It’s Fall Y’all

Fall Equinox is almost here, and this harvest season is extra special for me.

I feel like I am not only reaping the rewards of the seeds I planted this year, but many years of work, dedication, and dreaming, are all coming to fruition now… And it feels so damn good.

This is such a great time of year to take a breath (of nice cool air) and look at what you have manifested for yourself. I know some people can get caught up in the anxiety of looking ahead. Seeing the upcoming holiday season, and anticipating all the things that need to be done.

But before you do that, please take a moment to reflect on all that you have done already. This is the season to take your time actually enjoying and appreciating all of it, and giving thanks. You will never be here again, so soak up this now moment. The good the bad, the tragedies and the triumphs- You’ve made it through it all, and now we celebrate!

And HOW!

-I have a little potluck planned for the equinox with my favorite yogi friends.

-I’m attending a yoga festival in Kansas City next weekend called “Yoga Brain Fall Festival”.

-I will be offering Cacao at the “Autumn Roots Yoga Festival” as well as leading a yoga practice at “The Great Climber’s Campout” next month (all details can be found in Our Schedule).

-Then to end this year (my personal cycle around the sun) I am hosting my first international yoga retreat in Costa Rica. The best gift I’ve probably ever given myself, and I’m a libra… so that’s saying a lot. We are fabulous gift-givers, and also experts of self-indulgence.

This season I am reminding myself, that I am worth it. All of it. Taking time for myself. Doing the things that I love. Dreaming BIG. Reaping the rewards of my work. Believing in myself. Indulging in the decadence of life. Making choices that honor my truth and my values. Self-love AND a big beautiful community of people (friends and family) who love me as well. I CAN HAVE IT ALL.

And so can you, darlings.


Winter Solstice 2022


It’s a VIBE.