Winter Solstice 2022

The Solstice marks the longest night of the year, and the official first day of Winter.

It may feel cold and dreary out there, but it is actually the turning point where the days slowly begin to get longer.  This time of year can bring great joy, time with friends and family, and cozy snuggles by the fire. Or it can bring the opposite; Seasonal depression (from lack of sunshine and fresh air), the stark reminder of family issues, missing loved one’s who are no longer in your life, or financial strain.

It’s different for everyone.

The potential for introspection is the same though.

There is so much time to reflect- on the things that bring you joy, the things you are grateful, the things that are missing in your life, or the possible changes you could make to improve your situation.

If you find your cup is overflowing, maybe reach out to someone who is having a difficult time…

A coworker who seems down. An old friend you haven’t heard from in a while. Or even a stranger.

If you are the person who could use a little extra love this season, don’t be afraid to ask for it.

Sometimes it may feel like you don’t have anyone to reach out to, and in that case, please remember, you always have yourself. Happiness is an inside job, and self-love is the most important thing you can give yourself. This time of the year, and always. If you would like some kind words or friendly advice on how to show yourself some love this season, please email me. I’m happy to help any way I can.

Happy Holidays, from my heart-center to yours.


It’s Fall Y’all