Summer is coming!


In the Northern Hemisphere we are entering the hottest season of the year- Summer! While days get longer, and shorts get shorter, people start to talk about their summertime bodies. The hibernation of winter and spring, and let’s face it, the entire year of 2020, is finally over. People will be out and about, having all kinds of fun in the sun. If you’re worried about the few extra pounds you have gained, or fitting into your teeny weeny bikini, this is not the blog you are looking for.

Health is not determined by the shape and/or size of your body.

Healthy is feeling your best and functioning at your highest level.

The number one thing you can do to have your best body this summer, is STAY HYDRATED!!! I can’t say that enough.

More than two thirds of the human body is made up of water. Every single cell will be able to function better if you are properly hydrated. Your hair will be shinier. Your skin will be smoother. Your digestion will improve. Your brain and nervous system will be functioning better. You will feel smarter, sexier, and happier!

Drinking water is the obvious answer here (and lots of it), but there are other things you can do too!

  1. Watch the Salt. Your body is constantly trying to balance the salt to water ratio in your body. Taking in a bunch of sodium means your body will be trying to retain more water (holding on to water that you should have let go). This is not the same as being hydrated…This is bloated. Yuck!

  2. Eating Fruits and Veggies. These plant friends can also have really high water content. Watermelon (duh), strawberries, oranges, cucumber, celery, and lettuce are all great foods to keep you hydrated. Think juicy, crisp, refreshing!

  3. Re-thinking day-drinking. A cold beer on a hot day, or a margarita on the beach could be all you’ve been dreaming of… but drinking excessively on a particularly hot day could bring on sudden dehydration, sunstroke, or heat stroke. None of which are fun. If you are on some tropical beach, try a fresh cracked coconut! Or a delicious fruity drink WITHOUT alcohol in it. If you still choose to booze, just try to drink one glass of water for every drink you have, this will not only keep you hydrated, but it will prevent the majority of your hangovers. Cheers to that!

Enjoy your Summer!




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