
What to expect

at a

“Yoga Retreat”



We have daily asana practice as well as thought-provoking workshops, and group circles, to support a deeper yogic experience of both body and mind


With a focus on a peaceful ambiance and flexible schedule, there is ample time and space for your own sweet meditative thoughts.


A retreat is not meant to be a form of escapism, but rather giving yourself distance enough to gain an enhanced perspective on your life.



Doing something bold and brave is a great practice for building trust and heightened self-confidence. Each retreat offers slightly different opportunities.


Feeling safe and supported is such a strong catalyst for personal growth. Truly transformative shifts can happen, and propel you forward in your journey.


Intentionally taking the time to absorb what that you learned is the key. Allowing you to take home the gift of actual integrated knowledge.

Upcoming Retreat

The Winter Rose Experience:

While winter may seem like a cold and bleak time of year, it is actually ripe with opportunity to spend more time with yourself. Turning inward and celebrating the beauty we all hold within:

The unique beauty of our souls.

“There are few things more powerful than the magic of women gathering together.”

This short but potent time together will be spent in a beautifully renovated 6-bedroom home from 1890.

Located in downtown Fort Smith, Arkansas.


We will begin with an exquisitely curated 10-course meal by our Private Chef Kaycee Vandelicht.

“Aphrodite’s Feast”

This will be a fully-immersive meal including a wardrobe of lavish and luxurious loungewear.

Followed by

“Intimacy and Authenticity”

A late-night discussion and journaling workshop.


“Gentle Yoga and Meditation”

We will close out the event with a group yoga session, followed by a light breakfast and hand-crafted lattes.

(11am checkout time)


Retreat Details

Friday February 9th - Saturday Feb 10th

  • Please arrive as close to 5pm as possible.

  • Opening Circle will begin at 6pm.

  • Dinner will begin at 7pm.

  • Yoga at 8am on Saturday

  • Breakfast served before departure

Saturday Departure at 11am

Things to bring

  • A yoga mat (if you have one)

  • A water bottle

  • A journal

  • Attire for Aphrodites Feast (something beautiful)

  • Attire for Morning Yoga (something cozy)

Contact me with any questions or concerns


Ticket Options and Pricing

(shared bed options available)

  • Single Bed in a Shared Room $175

    Price includes all meals, activities, and workshops. (for one person only)

  • Double Bed in a Shared Room $222

    Price includes all meals, activities, and workshops. ($300 for two people)

  • Double Bed in a Private Room $300

    Price includes all meals, activities, and workshops. ($444 for two people)

  • King Bed in a Private Room $333

    Price includes all meals, activities, and workshops for one person. ($500 for two people)